4 Things You Need to Know About Hair Transplant

4 Things You Need to Know About Hair Transplant

4 Things You Need to Know About Hair Transplant

  • Feb 02, 2018 by Admin
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The clinic where surgery will take place.

Hair transplantation these days has become an advanced process that is as amazing as you think.  Certainly by making a huge difference to your hair, it is more than something magical that remains permanent and mimics your normal hair style.  You can always get a hairdo that you like and if you have a receding hairline or there is significant thinning problem at the topmost aspect of the head, then transplant can be a wonderful thing to undergo.

Performing a surgery for quick relief or substitute is not the final word because there could be reasons behind this idea since a number of factors determine the stage of surgery which we discuss below:

1. To undergo a hair transplant or avoid it?

Any surgery or hair therapy is definitely a ready option always that a candidate can pursue any time in his life but before venturing out any such treatment to your bald hair, certain options are always open as better alternatives.  For baldness or hair loss, you can wait for some more time as some forms of baldness are reversible with the help of medicines to deter hair loss.  An identified hair problem that is called alopecia areata is simply a Loss of Hair on the scalp as a result of our body’s auto-immune response to the cells that make up hair follicles.  While this plight affects both men and women, it can be treated by drugs like minoxidil work wonders in androgenic alopecia but if genetics are behind hair falling, then medicines are ineffective and hair Transplant becomes the only solution to your hairless head.

Hair loss can also occur from improper lifestyle changes like smoking, alcohol or malnutrition.  If you consider a good healthy regime, exercises, timely intake of food and good nutrition, it can improve your hair growth.  However, such changes don’t reverse the process of balding, so hair transplanting is the viable option.

2. Surgery Procedure:

Before you choose hair transplantation, you must also remember there are two different types of surgeries that can have implication on the cost of your total treatment procedure.  For a matter of weak hair growth or hair fall, platelet rich plasma can get your hair recovered after some months of constant counseling and coaching.

Two of the most common hair transplanting procedures include Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) or Follicular Unit Transplantations (FUT).  Just before a hair treatment, first we need to decide which procedure to select carefully as any one could have serious cost implications over other.

FUT, is a ‘strip’ method, in which the cutting and removing of a strip of skin and hair from the donor area of the head and implantation of its follicles to the patient’s balding areas is done.  This is an older procedure and has a shorter period of time to operation as well as for its capability to meet expected outputs.  But unlike the FUT, the FUE Hair Transplantation does not involve a strip incision but rather follicular units are taken in a random way where abundant hair is visible.  Each hair follicle is then transferred to the client’s balding area.  FUE also needs a greater span of time.  Some people also try Tricho Pigmentation to get relief from hair loss.

3.  Cost of Surgery:

Since each treatment has its own calculation of cost per hair, it is upon the candidate to decide what course he wishes to adopt.  Hair treatment can be an expensive affair if you have a large area of hairless scalp.  If you believe Platelet-Rich Plasma can be a beneficial nonsurgical option, its cost can be substantially high because this process starts as a natural procedure and involves a time period that can go up to a year getting the hair visible.

PRP Hair Restoration is suitable for both men and women, non surgical natural alternative for the treatment of hair thinning. It is an injectable treatment which uses the patient’s own blood but the cost of PRP hair treatment can be considerable, as more sessions may be needed to obtain the best result.

You can also go by FUT but that’s a traditional procedure to stitch a strip of hairs on the target area and can cost anywhere from Rs. 25-40.  However, FUE is an advanced approach which is a stitchless method and the cost can be substantially high ranging from Rs. 30-80 per graft.  So if you have a wider area to cover, FUT can be a beneficial option, yet nowadays more people are going for the scarless option of FUE.

4.  Complications and Risks:

Although it is rare, but some patients could experience temporary thinning of pre-existing hair.  But soon the pre-existing hair will return to normal, full condition within a few months of the surgery.

An FUT is done under local anesthesia, so it is possible there could be minute bleeding and soon it will stop with simple pressure.  Additional stitching is rarely required.

When hair transplant is done, it may follow little pain score.  Pain is usually rare and fairly minimal.  For some patients, pain relievers like Solpadeine or Panadol can be taken for a few days.  However, some transient numbness is inevitable in the donor area and can lasts from 3 to 18 weeks.

The major complication of hair treatment is the unexpected outcome which we don’t expect from a good hair treatment.  A hair procedure where the hair looks far from being natural is the one cause that can risk our treatment.  To counter this risk, a good clinic must be consulted.

As we see, the risks and complications are quite near to nil in hair treatment, but of course, the pricing does matter a lot as you have to make the ample decision of choosing the right hair course.  However, it stil depends upon you if you want a hair transplantation or not.